All-Dry of Ohio inc.

               Sub-Slab Service

                     The Permanent Solution for Wet Basements !    



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"Sub-Slab" - An 8" to 14" inch section of concrete from your basement floor is removed along the perimeter against the wall. Digging a trench and removing dirt, gravel etc., is next, then installing a perforated pipe around the entire perimeter in the trench. Burying that pipe in gravel, and routing it to a Sump Pump completes the piping process. A shield strip installed along the wall and replacing the concrete is the the last procedure. The Sump Pump then pumps the water back OUTSIDE that used to come in. A floor drain is usually not code for our system but there are projects where there is usually no choice. Some rural areas where septic sewage systems are used is the usual place for this application.

The picture below gives an example of a sub-slab system in block foundation.



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Copyright © All Dry of Ohio inc. 2007                                                                
Last modified: April 02, 2008